Daily Distortion of Dumb-Fuck-Shittery

By Michelle Chan

-The following is a poem I wrote about the senseless injustice of CPS and the incredible, indelible strength of a mother’s love

The quiet in that night, the damp in that fluff, the slow humdrum in that buzz…

Those soggy remnants of days long gone but remembered and reminisced and ruminating again and again without respite.

I fight, in my flight, in my abandonment of all sensibility, in the AWOL of senselessness…

In the calm after the onset but before all hell breaks loose, I brace myself for a hell hard-fought, a hell with only two outcomes: damned and damndest.

This is me, one year into my child protection case. 

This is me, one month after reality hit that the system designated to protect children is corrupt.

This is me, after my brain short-circuited from the trauma, after I lost all concept of self only to pull it together, ever stronger, with the most steadfast of resolves…

The moments leading up to that incomprehensible moment when the judge’s gavel sealed my son’s prison sentence, for a crime I never committed, in a trial I had been deprived of, in the aftermath of loss and survival and briefest glimpse of freedom and rebirth…

Those moments were still as a Renaissance painting wet with paint but waiting to dry, still and yet threatening at any moment to self-destruct in a long smeared smudge of wasteful angst.

I walked into the San Francisco Superior Court at 400 McAllister street with the belief that the court would award me the victim of domestic violence, full custody. I had no way of preparing for what would come next, no way other than the warrior in me that had survived the past few years at the hand of my abuser, the father of my child.

I was strong but oh so weak at the same time. A cornucopia of brilliance and dysfunction and hope and baggage and what-ifs and why nots – all wrapped up in the hot mess of daily distorted dumb-fuck-shittery.

I miss my son, I miss my son, I miss my son.

Even worse and far more devastating is that my son misses me, my son misses me, my son misses me. 

My son is innocent. 

This is a fucked up world. There is no eloquent way to phrase it. 

The courts are corrupt.

CPS is corrupt.

My son, your son, their sons, all the sons and daughter and nieces and nephews are sent to slaughter, for profit, for personal and political gain, at the hands of the system charged with protecting them.

The courts are corrupt.

CPS is corrupt.

This world full of daily distortions of Dumb-Fuck-Shittery.

School Vaccine Policies Violate Parental Rights

By Michelle Chan, PACC founder & president, 3/25/23

Last night, I interviewed Sandra “RN” on my podcast and it opened my eyes to an area of parental rights that I have long neglected. The medical freedom movement (opponents refer to it as the anti-vaccine or anti-vax movement) advocates against government interference in family health choices. The movement is especially vocal about vaccine mandate policies in schools and at the state level.

Sandra “RN” is a take-no-prisoners activist who is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. I first came across her activism in January 2020 after she was arrested (twice) for her activism in opposition of SB 276. She is a charismatic and captivating activist and her authenticity and dedication really stuck out to me.

Here is a short video clip of Sandra RN submitting affidavits at the California State Capitol in January 2020: click here.

SB 276 was passed into law in September of 2019 and bars vaccine exemptions in school that are not health related. According to Sandra, it’s passage displaced more than 50,000 children from the public school system.

Before Sandra’s own child was vaccine injured, she worked as a nurse administering vaccines on a daily basis. She had been taught that vaccines-injuries are extremely rare. However, Sandra now feels strongly the purported risks of vaccines is significantly undervalues.

“The pharmaceutical companies lobby aggressively to skew the ratio of vaccine risk versus benefits, and slowly but surely our parental rights are being chipped away. The pharmaceutical companies are profiting off our children and spending a fortune to hide risks and skirt blame,” Sandra said.

Sandra urges people to become more active in politics and to get out and vote in local and state elections. It is bad for society, communities, and families when ordinary citizens become disinterested in politics, elections and legislative reform. It allows special interest groups to monopolize the shaping of public policy. Special interest groups are also currently the dominant influence shaping child welfare policy reform. Much of the polices passed over the past few years in California is pushed by child welfare system insiders whose true intent is to further expand the system and put more money in their own pockets.

In summary, get out and vote everyone! Also, follow us on facebook and youtube FB: @parentsagainstcpscorruption & YT: California Families Rise


Poem by Michelle Chan, founder and president of Parents Against CPS/Court Corruption

Because the sun don’t shine here no more, the world is not itself. No laughter, no purpose, no common sense. And yet, the vaguest memories of my son still linger. I walk past empty playgrounds, see my son’s empty bed and his toys all gathering dust.

The stab of loneliness is unbearable. 

If only I could smoke away the hurt.

I want out, but there is no escape because to run away would be to abandon my son, to abandon all hope.

 If only I could shoot myself into another existence.

And so I stay, here in the darkness I fight.

And I will keep fighting, even long after I find my own light and my own son comes home. 

I.Will.Fight.For all the children. I will fight until all the light returns, and all the children are home. 

I will fight until this madness is all over. Rise up and fight with me.

Shadows is about the heartache and senselessness of the child welfare and family court system. It is about one mother’s devastation and the will-power she pulled from deep within to overcome the deep depression that had taken hold of her life.

For those that have never been through it, the system is so incredibly senseless and unjust.

Please rise up together with us to fight back against injustice and to restore compassion and injustice to communities.

They threw us to the wolves, and we came back as a PACC…

By: Michelle Chan, founder and director of Parents Against CPS Corruption

Mama. Maa Maaa. Mom. Mummeee.

I was my son’s first dozen words. I was the first scent he smelled. The first sound he heard. The first embrace he knew. First in my belly and later in my arms, he was safe with me. I love my son more than any boy has ever been loved before. He is a part of me but also different than me. He is better than me, destined to better things and to live a better life….

The day he was taken from me, it felt as if someone had ripped my heart straight out of my chest. It was the greatest pain I had ever endured (and this is in a life filled with pain). The pain triggered on that day when Judge Nancy L. Davis’s gavel sealed my son’s fate in foster care remains with me today, all these years later.

For the sake of ALL the children, for all the mothers and fathers and grandparents and aunties and uncles- I fought the good fight. I stood up to injustice at a time when no one else would. For this, I paid the price. I have aged a century in the past 8 years. My soul is old and hardened. I am wiser, but this wisdom has come at the price of relinquishing the pure joy that once lived somewhere deep inside.

I was about a year into my juvenile dependency case when I first picked up the CEB juvenile dependency law book. What I learned shattered my entire world. As it turned out, that knot in the pit of my stomach that told me something had been wrong since the very onset of the case- was right. Much of what happened in my case had been unlawful and my son’s removal had been questionable at best. Nothing had ever happened to my son, and as a domestic violence victim, the fact that I had made signifiant efforts to remove myself from the situations, was in therapy, and had willingly entered into substance abuse treatment programs- should have been more than enough for the department to allow my case to remain as an in-home case.

Instead, my son was torn from me and placed in the whirlwind of a system that could not care less about his well-being and best interests.

My ability to effectively parent my son and his intense love for me was never at issue. Even the social workers who hated me had to admit that I was a good mother and my son loved me. Why then, did the system not only make NO EFFORT to allow us to remain together? Moreover, for a long tine I was a model client. Every step of the way, I was two steps ahead of CPS- engaging in services before they were even ordered of me in an effort to show that I would do anything for my son.

Back then, I had no idea that the federal government creates perverse incentives to destroy families and adopt children out. Back then, I had no way of knowing that the courts are biased against mothers, especially destitute and traumatized domestic violence victims that have no way of fighting back. Back then, I had no way of knowing that the system loves to re-victimize victims and prey on the vulnerable.

There came a point where I decided I would no longer allow my self to be abused by society. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when I realized that what was happening to me was also happening to others just like me. The common denominator? It the weak, the vulnerable, and those without strong support networks that were being targeted- the true “have-nots”. We were targeted for the pure and simple fact that we were nobodies with nothing, and as such easily bullied. It made me sick to the stomach.

But all the while, I knew something about myself that my bullies did not know. I knew that within me lay a sleeping dragon. I was a diamond in the rough- talented, intelligent, and insightful far beyond anyone’s ability to truly grasp. Although I held no college degrees, had no professional or even employment history to show for myself, had no money or family/social connections- as a child I easily and consistently tested in the 99th percentile overall in citywide standardized testing, was labeled “gifted”, and subsequently placed in gifted and talented education (GATE) programs from the 4th grade onwards. I was different from all the other students in my programs. There were some students that stood out as being uniquely intelligent and some that stood out as being especially “good” students (good attitudes, hard-working, well-liked, intrinsically-motivated to do well). I was neither, in fact, far from it. There was this feeling I got from my teachers that they could not understand how or why I was even in the GATE programs. I never paid attention in class, never did my homework, showed little interest in learning or applying myself during class, on the exterior did not seem exceptional in any overt way. And yet, time after time after time, I outscored my peers on standardized testing that measured overall aptitude. Even in high school, while attending a school with a 3% acceptance rating and being truant for most of my junior year- even then, I outscored my high-performing peers on an SAT exam that the rest of the lot had diligently studied all year for, without even trying or caring.

I am talking about this now because this knowledge of myself was something I clung to, something that guided me in the early days before this movement existed- a little ray of hope when all seemed so hopeless. In so many ways, I had so little going for me… and yet this idea that I could take a stand against an all powerful system that was violating my rights, the rights of my peers, and our chidlren’s rights- was one I was unwilling and unable to let go. I may have been a nobody with nothing, we the abused children and families, we may have appeared weak and without any means to lift ourselves out of our circumstances… But I truly believed that I possessed within me the ability to lead parents out of darkness and into the light. I believed that the system had made a mistake in underestimating parents and underestimating me.

I would find a way to bring my own son home by restoring justice to all parents and all children that had been bullied by a deeply misguided and corrupt system.

It was from this brazen belief that Parents Against CPS Corruption was created. When people told me I was crazy, when I got the middle-finger and flyers crumpled up and thrown at me, and was called a drug-addict child abuser by passers-by absolutely unwilling to listen to me…. I sucked it all in and kept going.

I know a lot of people look at our early successes and see a group of parents throwing rocks at windows until enough of those rocks chipped away at the glass castle that held our children hostage… But it wasn’t quite like that. Things were calculated and intentional. Our unbelievable wins were won because of sheer brainpower, not brawn, not by chance.

And today, I want the whole world to know that the fight I started back in January 2017 is not over yet. I won my fight and those early fights, but the evil and corruption I sought to expose and eradicate has rebuilt its forces and now lays in wait, ready once again to trample on the rights and well-being of children and families all across California and beyond.

Join us as Parents Against CPS Corruption rises once again. Like a pheonix, we rise from ash ever stronger, mythical beings drawing strength from the pain and suffering of our children. Like a wolfpack, we draw strength from loyalty and honor.

WEATHER PERMITTING: This coming Thursday, 3/9, at 11am, we will have out opening Da #PACC is BACK protest in Sacramento at the CPS office and also William Ridgeway Courthouse. First stop: 3331 Power Inn Road, Sacramento. Second stop: 3341 Power Inn Road.

*I WILL CONFIRM ON WEDNESDAY WHETHER THE PROTEST IS A “GO” VIA OUR TEXT ALERT LIST AND ALSO ON THE #PACC FACEBOOK PAGE. http://www.facebook.com/parentsagainstcpscorruption. To be added to our text alert list, email cafamiliesrise@gmail.com with your name, cell number, email, and the county you are located in.

The day the state stole my boy…

Describe the last difficult “goodbye” you said.

It was the Monday right after my birthday and Father’s Day. I had been staying in a domestic violence shelter at the time. As difficult as that sounds, the previous few weeks had been amongst the best weeks of my entire life. I was finally free from the confines of my abusive marriage. My son was with me, he and I were safe. The city was going to fight for our right to be together, to live a life free from the control and abuse of my abuser.

The original recommendations of the department were to remove my child from the father’s custody and place him in my sole custody.

For so long, I had prayed for this day to come. My struggles to break free were finally coming to an end. …..or so I thought….

On that sordid morning, in that palatial courthouse- which I would soon come to know all too intimately- in the city of San Francisco, which I had come to call home over the past decade… I learned for the first time what true pain and suffering and injustice is.

My son was removed from my custody and placed in foster care due to “failure to protect” laws which re-victimize children by removing them from the safe parent. I had no idea how to prepare for such devastation. It felt to me as if my soul had been ripped straight out of my body. I no longer existed. I was invisible. An invisible mother, my needs irrelevant. No longer could I keep my son safe or advocate for his rights or needs.

Falling into the child protection system was like falling into a different world. It is where and how I learned that we, as Americans, do not live in a free country.

Why I Fight CPS

Why I fight, in many ways, is synonymous to why I write. I fight, and I write, because it is the only way for me to make sense of the senselessness of life, of a society unjust, of the American public that does not care about my plight nor the fact that my story is not unique, nor is my victimhood isolated.

I fight CPS- because if I don’t fight, than I may as well have my heart amputated so it does not rot from the gangrene of the soul. I fight CPS – because it is the good fight, because I want to be able to sleep at night knowing I stood in the face of injustice, because to fight for what is right, is the good fight after all.

I fight CPS because if I don’t, I might cry.

When my son was taken from me, I thought all had gone out of the light. But then he was returned, the light came back. And now I still fight. I will fight until the light returns…

Parents Against CPS in San Francisco

They threw us to the wolves, and we came back as a PACC…

by: Michelle D. Chan, founder and director of Parents Against CPS Corruption (PACC)

I started PACC in 2017 because there was no one else standing up for CPS-involved parents at the time. Nor was anyone fighting for the rights of children who so desperately wished to go home. Part of the problem was the society stigma, social ignorance, and the prevailing idea that Child Protective Services (CPS) can do no wrong. The name, Child Protective Services, implies altruism and righteous honor and integrity. Simply by having an open CPS case, parents were assumed guilty of something awful- no questions asked and no questions needed.

As it became increasingly clear that something was off, the system was corrupt, and my attorney was s shitbag- I had no where to turn. Every complaint lodged regarding the misconduct in my case re-routed back to the people named in my complaints, who in turn engaged in more misconduct and bullying behavior as a response.

Parents are people. We are imperfect. We make mistakes. But CPS is the system where children can be removed based on scant or questionable evidence, without a warrant are trial- and placed in foster care where they are left to rot.

The following is a poem I wrote that tells the universal injustice and senselessness of this system.

The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

Poem by: Michelle D. Chan

The child protection social worker asked me if I love my son.

Yes,  I said. I love him to the sun, the moon and the stars and back.

Then if you want to see him again, you will sign away your rights, she said.

And so I signed away my rights.

She asked me again if I loved my son. 

Yes, I said. I love him to the sun, the moon and the stars and back.

Then if you want to see him again, you will give up everything you have. The home you live in, your job, your money.

Yes, I told her, I’ll do anything for my son. And so I gave up everything I had.

She asked me again if I loved my son. 

Yes, I said. I love him to the sun, the moon, the stars and back.

Then if you want to see him again, you will give up your life.

And so I gave up my life. I was utterly destitute and distraught, clawing at any bit of hope my child protection social worker would give me.

Then she sent my son away for life, to live with another family where he would call another woman mother. Overcome with grief, I asked her why she did this.

She said this:

You are a loser. You have no rights, no home, no money, no life. You are a nobody with nothing. Who in their right mind would give you back your child?

Rise up together with us. Please follow this blog for updates on our work. To join our Parents’ Rights activist network, send us a note via out contact form.

Class Action Lawsuits

Parents Against CPS Corruption is organizing class action lawsuits in various Northern California counties. We have attorneys signed on to represent the groups.

A more detailed blog will be posted soon. Call 415-815-9415 or email protest@parentsagainstcpscorruption.com to find out more.

SF Bay View newspaper

Check out our articles in the SF Bay View!




















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